A series of photos
Photos taken at different periods of life and in different locations.
Diverse subjects, mainly on black and white film.

SuperFoodFarm. The history of the farm.
Leica R 6.2, 50/2.0, 35/2.8, Kodak 5222 (iso 250), Ilford HP5 (400), Kodak vision 250d

Pyatigorsk. A walk around the city
Leica R 6.2, 50/2.0, 35/2.8, Kodak 5222 (iso 250), Ilford HP5 (400), Kodak vision 250d
Why are you shooting on black and white film?
I work with black and white photographs because they leave room for imagination. You look at the photo and think about it. Everyone has something different.
What kind of camera do you use?
Leica R 6.2 (50/2.0, 35/2.8)
Ilford HP5
Ilford Delta
Rollei RPX
Rollei Blackbird
Fuji Neopan Acros 2
Kodak Double X 5222
Kodak Vision 3 250D
Kodak Ultramax
Kodak Portra
How can I contact you?
Link to my telegram account: t.me/potseluev