Pavel Potseluev. Head butcher, meat atelier Zozulinsky&Potseluev

Dear reader, 

Besides photography, there is another passion in my life. I have been learning the craft of a butcher for 12 years now. I am the brand chef of the restaurant “Zhazhda Krovi” (a joint project with Igor Zhuravlev), together with partner Grant Zozulinsky we opened the meat shop “Zozulinsky & Potseluev”, where we are looking for new approaches to working with meat, inspired by my beloved Spain. Now you are on a page that is dedicated to my professional activity.

Below I will post a few links that will be useful both to people from the community and to anyone who loves meat — just like me.

“Zhazhda Krovi” Restaurant

Meat atelier “Zozulinsky & Potseluev

Telegram channel

Popular about meat: training in meat business, fermentation and cutting processes

Cooking: open fire, josper, robata, big green egg, weber

Sign up for training

Fill out the application in a form that is convenient for you


October. Italy